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Grass Roofs Symbolic of Our Commitment to Conservation


We educate our guests about Zero-Waste and conservation, as well as practice it. The short video shows the only grass roofs in Langkawi (possibly all of Malaysia) designed to grow herbs for use by Umgawa’s guests. More on that in a future blog!

The dusky monkey (main picture) roams all over the rainforest where your zipline Eco-canopy tour will take place.  They join hundreds of other species of wildlife in asking you to help us in conserving and leaving the rainforest intact, as well as or better than it was when we got there!


Immerse Yourself in a Forest for Better Health

Numerous studies around the world are exploring the health benefits of spending time outside in nature, green spaces, and, specifically, forests. Recognizing those benefits, in 1982 the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries even coined a term for it: shinrin-yoku. It means taking in the forest atmosphere or “forest bathing”.


Another important part of your health is connecting to the health of the Eco-system in which you will be immersed while on our zipline Eco-adventure. We co-exist in one of only 130 geoforest parks in the world, as designated by UNESCO™Global Geoparks and the ONLY Geopark in Malaysia, so we must conserve it! It is a privilege for Umgawa to operate inside the Geoforest Park, and we need you to help us keep it as we found it.


What We Do with our Partners at LADA, Trash Heroes
and the Local Village next to our Site:


  • No trees are damaged in our construction. Our platforms are attached to the tree without any penetration of the tree.

  • Our safety sky ranger guides share details about the flowers and fauna, wildlife and geology of the park.

  • We manage and support trash patrols in and around our location.

  • We sponsor critter proof trash and recycle receptacles on site. Please use them.

  • We have, and will continue to plant and care for trees and dozens of indigenous flowers and other flora.

We proudly support:

Umgawa Legendary Adventures
7 Wells Waterfall - Jalan Telaga Tujuh, 07100 Langkawi, Malaysia
+604 950 2828
+6013 343 8900

We are available via local office hours:

8.00am to 5.00pm

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